Why Bitcoin


Bitcoin is one of the most lucrative investments out there! The scarcity of Bitcoin makes it a far more advantageous investment than gold. Bitcoin and Blockchain technology have tremendous advantages over traditional physical assets!

Why Bitcoin

Throughout much of human history, there’s been many assets that served as the standard by which we have valued our currencies. For a long time, gold was the asset that nearly every country used as a stable store of value. In certain countries, crude oil is used as a store of value in leu of gold. Bitcoin, however, has changed the game. In this piece we will discuss why Bitcoin is a superior store of value, when compared to the tangible assets that mankind has relied upon in the past!

Why is Bitcoin Superior to Other Assets

The short and sweet answer to this question is scarcity. Unlike physical assets such as gold, there is a finite amount of Bitcoin. Bitcoin was designed in such a way that only 21 million Bitcoins could ever exist. There is no way to increase that number, which is one of the reasons Bitcoin has become so valuable. Furthermore, it is impossible for the number of mined Bitcoins in circulation to ever reach the 21 million mark, as many of them have been lost in various ways. These Bitcoins still exist, but recovering them is next to impossible.

Although this is the worst-case scenario for anyone who has accidently shot their Bitcoin right past the moon and into cyberspace, by mis-typing the deposit wallet address, this is actually a good thing for Bitcoin as a whole. The fact that there’s already a finite amount of Bitcoin means that any lost Bitcoin essentially adds to the scarcity of the asset. Around 20 percent of the total amount of recoverable (but not really recoverable) Bitcoins has been lost by investors making careless mistakes. That equates to somewhere in-between 68 to 93 thousand Bitcoins.

Bitcoin vs. Gold

When it comes to valuable assets, scarcity is the name of the game. Gold is indeed valuable because of its scarcity, but there is one pivotal difference between the two assets: There is only so much Bitcoin, but gold is still being pulled out of the earth. Adding more gold to the total supply makes the price of the precious metal decrease in overall value. Gold has served its purpose as a store of value for a long time, because it can only be formed by the supernova collusion of two binary stars, but there is still plenty of gold which is yet to be found. Bitcoin on the other hand, can only be lost, making it a deflationary asset by nature.


Bitcoin is the anthesis of an asset that can only become scarcer. For this reason, Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency to become massively popular. Bitcoin is only increasing in value, ergo it is one of the best assets to invest in within the crypto space! Killer Whale makes it easy for you to accumulate this incredible asset by using state of the art technology and world-class, time tested trading techniques! If you are interested in accumulating Bitcoin, then simply follow this link for Killer Whale Gain BTC !

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