How to load a template?


This will help you setting up a Killer Whale template in Cryptohopper.

How to load a template?

To get a good start with the Killer Whale products we have several free templates you can find here .

This setup guide is written on a PC and will contain screenshots for PC only.

  • After you started a hopper go to “Config (1)” and then “Baseconfig (2)”

    how to load a template 1.png

  • On the right side you will see the “Actions (3)” button. When you click that “Actions” button a drop down will show with “load template (4)”. how to load a template 2.png

  • After you click “Load template (4)” a pop up will appear with a dropdown menu where you can select the downloaded template. how to load a template 3.png

  • Click on the “load template” to set the template on your hopper. After that you can control if you loaded the template by going to “Basic settings (5)”. And on the right you will see the name of the template (6). how to load a template 4.png

Now the template is loaded and you can control the settings and change if needed, like the coins list and the base currency.

Have fun and when you need help contact us at our Discord .

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