BTC Stock to Flow


In this article we explain how the stock to flow of bitcoin works

Stock to flow

In this article, we will look at how the stock to flow model relates to the mining of Bitcoin, and how we can use a stock to flow chart to forecast the future price of Bitcoin. The stock to flow model is equally applicable to cryptocurrency, as well as the trading of precious metals, or other assets which traditionally hold their value, due to their lack of consumption. The ideal stock to flow assets will always be those which are not expended, in comparison to their increase in value.

Stock to Flow is a measurement of market conditions. The purpose of a stock to flow chart is to measure the difference between the amount of an asset – which has already been accumulated – compared to the value of the same asset, which is currently being accumulated. The stock to flow model of Bitcoin is one of the easiest to predict.

Bitcoin has a finite supply of 21 million tokens. The stock to flow model for Bitcoin will eventually reach a point when all the supply or “stock” of Bitcoin has been mined. The “flow” of Bitcoin which can be mined, will eventually drop to zero.

There are massive stockpiles of Bitcoin. There is also new Bitcoin, gold and silver being mined every day. In a stock to flow model the precious metals and Bitcoin which have already been mined and stockpiled can be represented by the “stock” part of the equation. The amount of Bitcoin, gold and silver that are currently being mined would be correspondingly considered as the “flow” portion of a stock to flow chart.

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The stock to flow model is an effective way to consider the value of assets such as Bitcoin, gold, and silver. The stock to flow model can also be applied to any other future assets, which may become finite resources. Currently the stock to flow model is a highly effective tool for calculating the prospective price actions of Bitcoin. Given how the price to flow model has represented the price action of Bitcoin in the past; we can gather that this trend will continue to happen in the days, months, and years to come!

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